S.R.Professional Marketing Blog

Why Benchmarking Your Email Campaign is Important

Written by Ronen | Mar 6, 2023 5:00:53 PM

Even with the rise of various digital marketing strategies, email has remained a potent marketing tool that allows businesses and organizations to communicate directly with their target audience in a personalized and cost-effective way.

But how do you know if your marketing emails are reaching their potential? The answer lies in benchmarking email marketing campaigns. This article will show you the benefits of benchmarking, the critical metrics to track, and the best practices to improve your email campaigns.


What is Benchmarking, and What are Its Benefits?


The benefits of effective benchmarking for your email campaign.

So, you have realized the potential of email marketing, but the next important question is, are you using this strategy effectively? This is where benchmarking your campaigns plays a crucial role.

Benchmarking measures and compares the performance of an organization's email marketing campaigns against industry standards and best practices. By benchmarking, organizations can gain insight into their performance and identify areas for improvement. Specifically, some of the benefits of benchmarking include the following:


  1. Identifying areas for improvement: Benchmarking can help organizations identify areas where they are underperforming compared to industry standards and best practices. This can help them focus their efforts on areas that will impact their promotional campaign results the most.
  2. Setting realistic goals: Benchmarking can help organizations set realistic goals for email marketing campaigns. By understanding industry standards, they can set achievable goals that align with their overall marketing strategy
  3. Better targeting: Benchmarking can help companies identify segments of your mailing list that are performing well or underperforming, which can provide them insights for their targeting and segmentation strategies.
  4. Measuring progress: Benchmarking allows organizations to measure their progress over time. By comparing their performance against industry standards and best practices, they can track their progress and adjust as needed.
  5. Better resource allocation: By benchmarking, companies can identify which tactics and strategies are most effective, providing them with informed resource allocation decisions and help them get the most out of their budget.

Important Metrics for an Email Marketing Campaign

Now that you know the importance of benchmarking, let us take a look at the top 5 critical metrics to track to make the most of your email marketing campaigns. To know if your promotional emails are reaching their potential, you need to track and analyze the following key performance metrics:


  • Open rates: This performance metric is crucial as it measures the percentage of recipients who opened your message. This way, you can get an idea of how effective your subject line and preview text are at grabbing the recipient's attention.
  • Click-through rates (CTR): This metric measures the percentage of recipients who clicked on a link within your content. It can give you an idea of how engaging your message is.
  • Conversion rates: This metric measures the percentage of recipients who completed a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. It can give you an idea of how effectively your promotional message drives conversions.
  • Bounce rates: This metric measures the percentage of messages that were undeliverable. A high bounce rate can indicate issues with your email list quality or deliverability.
  • Unsubscribe rates: This metric measures the percentage of recipients who opted out of receiving future messages from you. A high unsubscribe rate may indicate that your promotional messages are not relevant or valuable to your audience.

By tracking and analyzing these metrics, you can identify areas where your promotional messages are succeeding and areas that need improvement. You can then use this information to optimize your future email campaigns and increase their effectiveness.

Getting Started with Benchmarking Your Email Campaign

As you have learned above, benchmarking is an essential aspect of email marketing because it helps you measure the success of your campaigns and compare them to industry standards.

More importantly, benchmarking email marketing campaigns does not have to feel like a big task. To get started, follow these steps:

  • Set your goals: Determine what you want to achieve with your promotional email campaigns. This could be anything from increasing website traffic to generating leads or boosting sales.
  • Build your email list: Your mailing list is the foundation of your email marketing campaigns. You can build your list by offering incentives like discounts, free downloads, or exclusive content in exchange for email addresses.
  • Choose an email marketing service: There are many tools available, such as Benchmark, Mailchimp, Marketo, and HubSpot Contact, that can help streamline the processes for you. Choose one that meets your needs and budget.
  • Create a campaign: Utilize your chosen tool to create an email campaign. This typically involves choosing a template, writing your copy, and adding images and links.
  • Test and optimize: Before sending your message to your entire list, consider testing it to ensure it looks good and functions properly. You can also use A/B testing to test different subject lines, content, and calls to action to see what works best.
  • Send and track: Once you've done testing and are confident in its performance, send it to your mailing list. Then, with your chosen automation tool, you can track your key performance metrics and gauge your campaign performance.
  • Analyze and refine: Use the insights you gain from tracking your metrics to refine your marketing campaign and improve their effectiveness over time.

To help you further, the following are some of the best practices to benchmark your email campaign effectively:

  • Identify your key performance indicators (KPIs): KPIs are metrics that help you measure the success of your email campaigns. Identify the KPIs that matter most to your business, such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, unsubscribe rates, and revenue generated.
  • Analyze industry benchmarks: Research industry benchmarks for your KPIs to understand how your promotional campaigns compare to others in your industry. This will give you an idea of what success looks like and where you stand in relation to your competitors.
  • Use a benchmarking tool: There are several benchmarking tools available that can help you compare your campaign performance to industry benchmarks. Examples include Mailchimp, Campaign Monitor, and HubSpot. These tools will provide you with data-driven insights into your campaign and help you make informed decisions.
  • Segment your audience: Segmenting your mailing list will allow you to benchmark your campaigns more effectively. By comparing the performance of different segments, you can identify which components are performing well and which ones need improvement.
  • A/B test your campaigns: A/B testing involves creating two variations of an email campaign and sending them to a small sample of your audience. By comparing the performance of the two variations, you can identify which elements of your promotional campaign are most effective and make changes accordingly.
  • Set realistic goals: Set realistic goals for your promotional campaigns based on your industry benchmarks and previous campaign performance. This will help you stay focused and motivated and ensure your campaigns are working towards achieving measurable objectives.

Remember that email marketing is an ongoing process, and you will likely need to make adjustments and optimizations over time to achieve your goals. With dedication and effort, however, you can use emails to reach and engage your target audience and drive business results.


That’s it! In this post, we have shown you that you need to track and analyze your results if you want to make the most of the potential of email marketing. Benchmarking marketing emails can help organizations improve the performance of their promotional emails, increase the return on their marketing investment, and make data-driven decisions to achieve their business objectives.

Email marketing, when done right, is a cost-effective way to reach and engage with customers and prospects. Through emails, businesses can reach and engage with their target audience, build relationships, and drive conversions. Happy emailing!